Art Studio News – January 2022

Staying in touch with art… by Kiara Timm

Dear Friends,

We start the first month of the year with some fresh, creative and, of course, artsy ideas to get you going!

We hope that all of you had a great and enjoyable holiday season and may your new year start full of positive energy and good spirit!

Our new year’s resolution is to continue to provide our readers with positive art news through these online  newsletters, share them around and of course spread creativity around as at this point, to quote James Baldwin: “The precise role of the artist, then, is to illuminate that darkness, blaze roads through that vast forest, so that we will not, in all our doing, lose sight of its purpose, which is, after all, to make the world a more human dwelling place.”

As always, stay well, stay positive and enjoy your reading!

It must be spring…

Meeting a  local  artist…KATTYA Glavina!

Full of energy and passionate about art, Kattya Glavina, is a native Colombian Jewelry Designer and Painter who grew up in an artistic environment. She has extensive experience within the visual world in the USA and Europe. She always has more works of Art in progress which is how she likes it. Her philosophy about life is that our visions become artistic expressions of who we truly are.

Today she considers herself a Visionary Artist and resides in the breath-taking island of Cyprus where she has expanded her creative mind through several group and solo exhibitions as well as her ‘Intuitive Tree Art Readings’ which she uniquely created. She has also been featured in dozens of magazines, websites and other platforms.

Kattya has the passionate heart of an artist. Her artwork is a harmonious balance of elements seen and unseen. While her art is mainly of a monochromatic palate, it expresses her inner world with an interaction of lines, forms, textures and rhythm. She mainly favors silver and gold leaf with heavy acrylics as well as adding  her own sculpturing technique to give dimension to her paintings.

Art for this painter is a dose of imagination, knowledge, a sense of exploration and recognition of belonging, much like a declaration of awareness.

To view more on Kattya’s art works check out below:

FB @Kattya Glavina’s Art

Instagram @KattyaGlavina

Creativity is contagious, pass it on!
Albert Einstein

ArtERNATIVE designs  AT IZAIA shop

Looking for a unique gift for the holidays? Stop by and check out the Arternative bags at IZAIA shop in Limassol while still available!

Andrea Kalvou 1 & Ayias Phylaxeous,

3085, Limassol.

Catching fireworks!
… Finding your creative path

There is a point in a creative person’s life where inspiration or the creative process may reach in a dead-end or as we say, have a ‘writer’s block’ which does not necessarily involve only writers; it may happen to any creative mind: songwriters, visual artists, performers, choreographers, storytellers, you name it.  When this happens, the creative mind or person, often doesn’t know where to turn to in order to overcome this situation and find inspiration again. Well, here is where Catching Fireworks fits in!

I was so thrilled when I first heard of Deborah Henry Pollard and I was looking forward to talking to her. As an artist, I was very fascinated to hear about her creative coaching and was interested to know more about it. Deborah Henry Pollard is a creative coach, trained and accredited by Performance Coach Training Ltd and Relational Dynamics 1st.  She had set up Catching Fireworks® to coach creative people from all over the world, including Cyprus while her vast experiences through her life and the world of art involving books, films, art, music, theatre led her to use her skills to support creative people.

Deborah has worked with English National Opera, Siobhan Davies Dance, Society of West End Theatre, Chester Gateway Theatre, Oxford Concert Party, Chester Literature Festival, Studio Voltaire.

Apart from her coaching sessions, Deborah has also written and published a few books to help creative people in different ways. Her book ‘What is your excuse for not succeeding as an artist?for instance, is an excellent start in order to overcome excuses, explore, reflect and nurture the creative potential in order to succeed.

Her passion for her work has also led her to have regular coaching sessions herself and go on coaching retreats to enhance her skills, learn new techniques and continue to develop professionally and personally.

To learn more about Deborah’s creative coaching and Catching Fireworks, as well as about her books and all related information, check out the information below:

instagram @fireworksdhp

Would you like to share some art news?

Drop a message!

More on:

Fb: Kiara Timm Art Studio

Instagram: kiaratimm


Cycles of Life

The last blog post that was done was to announce the start of the registration process for the Cyprus Open Studios (COS) 2019 event. We have now reached the deadline of 30 June – plus another month – and…

… it is with a heavy heart that we have to make another announcement: There will be no studios opening in 2019 in Cyprus as it was decided to suspend the event for this year.

It seems as if the local open studios events have a life cycle all of its own.

In 2006, there was enormous excitement when Open Studios CY was brought into the world. The first year there were 50+ participants, in the second year there were 80+ and then it declined until the 2011 event which had less than 30 participants. At the end of that year, it came to its natural end.

I was an enthusiastic participant in all of those years and felt sad when it no longer existed. Due to a few years of personal upheaval, I could not do anything to assist artists of Cyprus to gain greater acknowledgement for their work. After my husband’s passing in 2012 and all the paper mountains have been climbed, I was left quite deflated.

Instead of twiddling my thumbs, I first started an artists’ directory which was called (it no longer exists) and it went well for some time. But then, one fine morning, I woke up with the thought of starting another open studios ‘movement’ in Cyprus and I did a test weekend in September 2014. It was welcomed with open arms by both artists and visitors and it was decided to GO for it!

In January 2015, my two partners came on board and it was full steam ahead. Year on year, we made great headway and in addition to the local open studios events, we also assisted artists fully with exhibiting abroad, under the banner of Open Galleries Abroad (OGA).

Up until June 2019, we have given it our all, but this year the numbers simply did not warrant forging ahead.

Obviously there are many who will be disappointed – especially the visitors! What the future holds, we cannot tell as our crystal ball is malfunctioning a bit right now. However, as soon as we have put our heads together again, we shall see what we can dream up for the future.

Our website, our Face book pages, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts will all continue and we hope you will keep in touch to see what happens next. We will also continue with blog posts and share interesting bits of news with you – stay with us!

Until next time – keep on creating!


Facebook                                                        Cyprus Open Studios

AND                                                                  Open Galleries Abroad

Instagram                                                       cyprusopenstudios

Twitter                                                             @CosPromoter

LinkedIn                                                          Cyprus Open Studios – COS



P.S.  Please note that this is a more personal note from the editor, Maria Etheridge, but also on behalf of the COS Team.

FINAL COS logo 300dpi - SMALL

And to summarise…

Registration for Cyprus Open Studios 2018 is now closed.

According to Wikipedia:

Open studio concept

A studio or workroom which is made accessible to all-comers, where artistic or creative work can be viewed and created collaboratively. An Open Studio is intended to foster creativity and encourage experimentation in an atmosphere of cultural exchange, conversation, encouragement, and freedom of expression.

And they all did it!

Anthony Micallef, Richard Diebenkorn, Picasso, Norman Rockwell, Monet, Toulouse-Loutrec, and de Kooning

With gratitude to   The Lenkerville Art Room 

And we do it!

What we are NOT

  • We are NOT a shop or a gallery
  • We are NOT agents or representatives of particular artists
  • We do NOT sell anything

What we ARE:

  • We are an organisation assisting creative people get recognition in the public domain
  • We provide a platform for this via our website, Facebook page, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter,  and our blog
  • Annually in October we assist visual artists in Cyprus physically to connect with the public by opening their studios and work-spaces
  • For those participants who do not have, or do not wish to, open a studio, we offer a ‘Members Only’ facility which provides them with a full page website entry
  • We also try and assist with alternative space
  • Members remain visible through our website during the current year and thereafter in our archives
  • For this annual event we provide a printed catalogue and supporting promotional material
  • This catalogue is also published on the global platform of
  • This is valuable for sponsors and advertisers
  • We organise, through our international division, exhibitions abroad for members of Cyprus Open Studios under the banner of Open Galleries Abroad (OGA)

Much has been written about the methodology of our organisation, both on our website and on our blog, especially over the last five months. If you wish to learn more about our organisation, please do a bit of reading and/or contact us:

Email:   OR


Facebook:   Cyprus Open Studios

Instagram:  @CyprusOpenStudios

Twitter:       @CosPromoter

LinkedIn:      Cyprus Open Studios

Blog :            Click here

FINAL COS logo 300dpi - SMALL The COS Team

(Ed: Maria Etheridge)


A few questions…

thinker_flickr (1)  to think about…

  • If you create art – of any kind – why are you engaging in the process?
  • Is it for the material rewards it may bring you, or is it purely to make you happy?
  • If it’s for the rewards – whatever they may be – are you happy with them?
  • Exactly what rewards are you looking for? Or are you looking for Awards?
  • If it’s to make a decent living, you want to sell what you produce – the age old supply and demand routine. The question is: Are you serious about your art “business”?
  • Are you happy with the process you use to create a bigger demand? If you are, then stop reading now.
  • If you are not entirely happy and wish to improve your scope, we can most probably help.
  • How?
  • Read all about our process on our website: and join us!

Each October, Cyprus Open Studios (COS) offers the public access to artists, creators and makers and gives a valuable insight into how artwork is produced. For 10 days the early autumn event is all about visiting studios, meeting artists and artisans, seeing them at work, browsing completed works and seeing work in progress, and even trying your hand at making something for yourself where workshops are offered.

There is no selection process which means that anyone can have a go and build up some confidence in your home studio before branching out to bigger and greener pastures. But one thing is for sure: you will always have somewhere to create whatever it is you are creating – it’s usually called a studio or a workshop. That’s what the public wants to see, as it is fascinating!

art demo  8a33bdbda4b2d1c0e6e88bb6efade622--french-antiques-country-french

Yes, this is a demo and… a studio!

Potters, painters, woodcarvers, jewellers and all kinds of creative people of all kinds of disciplines throw open the doors of their studios for an annual celebration of… ART.

Cyprus is SO much more than beaches, bars and tavernas! Let’s help the public find the hidden treasures of our beloved island – it will further help with introducing the public – including the tourists – to get to know what we are all about.

It’s always a good idea to join other artist(s) and will also alleviate costs. Who do you know in your area you could share with or who would like to share with you? How about approaching your local mukhtar and using the local school, church hall or … taverna!?

Get to know how Cyprus Open Studios operate by visiting the website, read the FAQ as well as our BLOG – that way you will be able to engage the people around you and make it a BIG event that will bring traffic to your village or town, and ultimately to your own work. Isn’t that what you want?

You need to fully buy into the Open Studios concept and not expect a lightning bolt of success immediately. Yes, it is a great deal of commitment but the outcome – although not always immediately apparent – can have many long-term benefits such as future commissions and connections which materialise over time. You meet some very interesting people and will emerge on the other side as slightly different human beings!  As an artist, it is a bit too easy to lose sight of the main goal which is to keep making new work. Part of the point of opening your work space is to showcase that you are moving forward as an artist, year after year.


This year, Cyprus Open Studios will take a slightly different shape:  We will be opening our studio or work space doors during a consecutive 10-day period, e.g. from 5 to 14 October 2018 and you can choose any days in that period… but at least two days. We would strongly recommend including at least one weekend.

The reason for this is that, in our experience, the four weekends that we opened in the past, just stretched it out a bit too long; by the third and fourth weekends, both artists and visitors got a bit tired… By compressing the time period, we will also be able to push more resources at it and make it sparkle and shine!


We have secured space in Limassol at ART STUDIO 55, which is provided by the Pegasus Art Foundation, from 5 to 14 October 2018 inclusive.  Please see their Facebook page here:

A small catch is that the artists who choose to use this space will have to curate the show themselves AND be in attendance for the duration of the event. You will be able to work on the spot which is exactly what we aim to offer the public: to see the artist(s) at work and to be available for conversation. The upside is that there will be no commission charged on sales! And the space is very centrally located at Hero’s Square, close to the Rialto Theatre. Further details will be provided on request should you be interested in this option.

PLEASE NOTE:   this option is NOT included on the registration page – if you would like to make use of it, please contact us at

Finally, we can all get a bit bogged down in the advertising, communications and social media – we at COS try to make things easier for you! Remember it is the work that matters most of all. You are only as good as your last piece.

So let me finish with the words of Andy Warhol:  “Don’t think about making art, just get it done.  Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.  While they are deciding, make even more art.”



The catalogue is prepared in July and will be ready for distribution in September.

Printers often close during August!


We would LOVE to welcome you as part of our art family!

Till next time, keep on creating.

FINAL COS logo 72dpi - SMALL The COS Team

Ed:  Maria Etheridge

Don’t Just Survive… Thrive!

As a creator, no one can tell you what to create; that is between you and whatever you are creating. What happens in your studio or workshop or even on your kitchen table, is your business. But a ’business’ it certainly is… if you are serious about what you do.

Once upon a time they used their walls… cave painting

However, what happens with your work when it is finished can become a problem. Traditionally, artists are not inclined to be business people as the left and the right sides of the brain function on different levels: left is for business, right is for creativity.

Often you will see, when entering the work space of a creative person, stacks of canvasses and finished pieces against walls, on shelves, in cupboards, and just about everywhere you can imagine.

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What you do in your studio will remain in your studio forever if you do not engage with the outside world. It is very easy to become totally engrossed in what you do, but that will not provide the means to live a decent life.

All over the world, artists engage with the public in many ways; traditionally through the gateway of galleries. There is nothing wrong with that. However, it can be limiting. Enlisting the services of an agent or PR person is another way to promote your work but these methods, despite being excellent, can be pricy.

Somewhere, someone came up with an idea to assist artistic people in a much simpler way: bringing the public to the source. Yes, opening your studio in order to allow the public to enjoy your space, your creations and above all else, yourself!

Perhaps you work better when you are alone, hermit-style… I know I do! But we need to become available, accessible, and welcoming for those who wish to know more about where the art came from, how it was produced and by whom. You cannot assume that people will hear about your art in some magical or mystical way. Joining a Facebook group or creating a page of your own with your art on, is not going to cut the mustard, as the saying goes. You need to take people by the hand and lead them, step by step, towards The Source: You – and your work.

And even more that just becoming available, giving the viewer a reason to be there. A good reason – or reasons – to desire what you create; to want something they will look at every day, either in their home or at their workplace. Give the viewers what they want!


Derek Henry really loved this one by Mary-Lynne Stadler!

And that is where Cyprus Open Studios comes is. Becoming a member provides you with a platform in the form of your own full page on the website, organisation of the event, promotion via all media, and a printed catalogue to keep. The event takes place during a specified period each October when we welcome the public into our spaces in order to communicate, share and even sell directly to our visitors. However, the main objective is to introduce you and your art in such a way that is memorable and thus encourage people to return for more.

But that is not all you get when your register with COS! Your entry goes live as soon as you register, and it remains on the website until the end of February after which it goes into the archives, where it remains accessible for as long as the website provider will allow.

Not only does Cyprus Open Studios (COS) offer you all of the above, but we also offer you a non-participating membership at a reduced fee for simply featuring your own page on the website but without opening your studio or work-space. This gives you access to all the news and activities.

And there is more…

  • Next event is the exhibition, opening on 8 May 2018 with a “Meeting the Artists” evening, at the Hellenic Centre, 16-18 Paddington Street, Marylebone, London W1U 5AS on Wednesday, 16 May 2018 at 18:30 to 20:30. The exhibition will run until 30th May 2018.
  • That is followed by the exhibition at Candid Arts Trust, 3-5 Torrens Street, Islingon, London EC1V 1NQ under the auspices of the Salon des Refuses from 7 to 10 June 2018.

Why do we mention it here? Well, OGA – Open Galleries Abroad, are responsible for assisting artists with the entire process of registration, transportation and storage (between exhibitions). OGA is the international division of Cyprus Open Studios.

A few images from the 2017 Salon des Refuses exhibition:

Salon des Refuses 2017 (Medium)

Please visit our website, where you will find the necessary information. You will also find additional questions answered under the FAQ tab as well as much more by reading the blog posts. And don’t forget to click on the FOLLOW button when you are there!

Last, but certainly not least – the Winner of the free Prize Draw of 2017, Meg Adamson, claimed her prize of €150,00 and decided to use it towards lessons in sculpting. Her chosen teacher was Karen Betts of Artemis Studios in Chlorakas and here you can see a few items Meg has created under Karen’s tutelage. She is set on refining the art of sculpting and we wish her everything of the best.


L to R: Maria Etheridge, Meg Adamson, Karen Betts

In 2018, visitors will be able to choose between two juicy prizes, i.e. 3 nights’ free accommodation on a Greek island or four free lessons from a professional COS member. More information on these will be available shortly – do keep an eye on the website and/or blog.

Whoever you are, and wherever you may find yourself now, we hope to see you in our studios in October!


(author-of-myself on Tumblr’s artwork – thank you!)

ED: Maria Etheridge

Here we go…!

There is very little in life that irritates me more than waiting… patience is not one of my virtues! They say that everything comes to those who wait; I say: eventually! I think we all want it now…

Apparently, it’s a millennial thing but I don’t even have that excuse… I’m from the rock ‘n roll era where everything was done with enormous energy and gusto.



The 1st of March 2018 sees the start of this year’s Cyprus Open Studios event when registration opens. The deadline for registration is 30 June 2018, which will give us just enough time in July to put together the information for the catalogue to go to the printers. As you know, August is holiday-month in Europe…

Be warned! 

You have 4 months to register – do not delay – you will not be included 

if you miss the deadline!

Please go to: and click on Register here> Cyprus Open Studios – the form for online registration will pop up and further instructions will be sent to you by email.


This year, Cyprus Open Studios will take a different shape:  We will be opening our studio or work space doors during a consecutive 10-day period, e.g. from 5 to 14 October 2018 and you can choose any days in that period… but at least two days. We would strongly recommend including at least one weekend.

The reason for this is that, in our experience, the four weekends that we opened in the past, is just stretching it out a bit too long; by the third and fourth weekends, both artists and visitors got a bit tired… By compressing the time period, we will also be able to push more resources at it and make it sparkle and shine!


When you register, please make sure you have read the terms and conditions at the bottom of the registration form. The fee structure has not changed since we started in 2016 apart from one additional option:  You may become a member only (non-participating) for €35,00 if you truly, honestly, absolutely do not have a space to invite visitors into. However, if you DO wish to be a participating member and wish to share with other artists at their venue, please contact us and we will see if that could be arranged. We are also looking at alternative venues such as community centres, schools and other possibilities. Your suggestions would be appreciated!


We have secured space in Limassol at ART STUDIO 55, which is provided by the Pegasus Art Foundation, from 5 to 14 October 2018 inclusive.  Please see their Facebook page here:

The catch is that the artists who choose to use this space will have to curate the show themselves AND be in attendance for the duration of the event. You will be able to work on the spot which is exactly what we aim to offer the public: to see the artist(s) at work and available for conversation. Obviously, a rotation ‘duty’ schedule will have to be worked out.  HOWEVER, the cost for using this space will be €145,00 per artist and you have to be a member of Cyprus Open Studios at €35,00 for the year – we need to include you on the website. The upside is that there will be no commission charged on sales! And the space is very centrally located at Hero’s Square, next to the Rialto Theatre. Further details will be provided on request.

PLEASE NOTE:   this option is NOT included on the registration page – if you would like to make use of it, please contact us at


In order to attract more visitors to the studios, we are offering TWO OPTIONS of prizes to  be won:

  1. 3 nights FREE accommodation (see images below) on the Greek island of Kalymnos in 2019, depending on availability. Full details of the prize will be advised as soon as we have tied it all up – it’s gorgeous! All the winner needs to do is… GET THERE!
  2. 4 FREE sessions of lessons with a professional artist – the winner will be able to choose between several who have offered this option! Again, more details on the website very soon!

If that does not encourage visitors to your studio or work space, we can’t guess what will…

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We would, once again, encourage participants to invite an artist friend from abroad, who will be hosted at their home and share their COS space –  FOR FREE!  Yes, we will not charge a registration fee for your friend! Think of a dear friend whom you have not seen in a while and invite them to share the Cyprus art experience – they will love you for it!



This activity is part of the Cyprus Open Studios operation whereby we handle everything on behalf of each artist, from registration for each event to returning unsold pieces… and everything in between!  More on the website very soon! See our previous blog post.

And the art is on its way… the pieces will be packed in a wooden container, which should keep it as safe as possible. Really exciting, isn’t it? We wish each participating artist the very best of luck!

Until the next one, keep on creating! And if you are not a creator, join in the fun by visiting studios in October!




Ed.: Maria Etheridge
















2018 – is here!

If you have not seen the flyer that went out earlier, here is an updated version:

Flyer re registration

As you will see, Cyprus Open Studios will look a little different this year.  In previous years you had a maximum of 8 days to open your studio/workspace. These were always geared for the weekends. 2018 offers you a minimum of any TWO out of 9 consecutive days, e.g. from 6 to 14 October 2018. You could, of course, open every day!

It has come to our notice that most working people who live away from the coast make a bee-line for the sea during the weekends, especially since October is still very much in season. It is mainly for this reason that we have decided to cater for inland artists during the week. We have also discovered that this is the norm for open studio events across the world. This means that you will be able to choose your dates to be open, rather than your weekends. We are confident that this will suit artists and visitors better than diluting it across the whole month. We will also be able to throw more resources at it.

The other big change is that we have decided to give participants the opportunity to recover from the Christmas mayhem and open registration on 1 March, with a closing date of 30 June 2018. You will still have 4 months in which to register, finalise artwork and plan your space before the August holidays!

And here’s another plus:  If you really, honestly, truly do not wish to open your studio/workspace/home to visitors, we offer you a reduced membership of Cyprus Open Studios. As a ‘non-participating’ member, this will give you a page on the website with up to 8 images plus your biography, artist statement and other information. This will be featured as an option on the registration page when we open on 1 March 2018.

We are now in our third year and the initial logistics problems have mainly been sorted out. Of course, when we do new things, new things have to be learned!

One of those new things is the work that we undertake on behalf of the artists who wish to participate in exhibitions abroad. This year, there are 14 who have jumped at the opportunity to simply produce their work and let “Open Galleries Abroad (OGA)” take care of everything for them, ranging from registration with each gallery, submission of work for judging, transportation of the artwork, submission of the actual work for hanging at each venue, transportation in between exhibitions and safe storage when not being exhibited.

As usual, we will attempt acceptance at the Royal Academy of Art and after that comes the exhibition at the Salon des Refusés. There is a third venue lined up, name the Hellenic Centre – all of these in London.



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This is a huge learning curve as we research venues, procedures, and logistics. The person in charge of this operation is Marina Emphietzi Harris, one of the three partners of Cyprus Open Studios. One of the biggest headaches is this… vector-moving-van-illustration (Small)

Yes,  transportation!

Another new idea we are toying with is to use a gallery in Limassol where all the artists who do not have their own studios or who, for personal reasons wish not to open their homes to the public, may showcase their work. This will be regarded as a gallery show and not an open studio. It will also be subject to a higher fee for the participant who chooses this path and there may well be a commission charged by the gallery. This is VERY MUCH in the planning stages at this point; we will update you as soon as we know more.

You may know that has now been incorporated in Cyprus Open Studios. This means that the sponsor of the Prize Draw that we offer each year no longer exists. However, we are working on something even better that should attract a whole raft of interested people to visit studios in order to enter. A small hint:  3 nights (maybe 5) free accommodation on a Greek island… we are working on it! 

There is just one final point we need to impress upon you:  If you are able to host an artist friend of yours from abroad, this guest will not be charged a membership fee but will still be featured on the website and in the catalogue. I’m sure you have many artist friends who would love to visit you in Cyprus for a few days! Let’s show them what hospitality looks like.


If you are serious about your art, make it your business.

Till next time,


The event of the year!

Way back in 2015 when there were rumblings about Pafos2017, we at COS were a little concerned about the effect it would have on our own preparations and our events.

We went ahead with our planning and groundwork anyway and, as you will no doubt know, the 2016 event was very satisfactory for a first-year attempt. And then, along came 2017 and we quivered and trembled as we discovered that there were numerous artists who felt they would be spreading themselves too thinly if they participated in both Pafos2017 and COS.

Of course, Pafos2017 was a once-in-a-lifetime happening and one would be rather thick-headed not to opt for the opportunities afforded by such an event.

What we found rather surprising were the numbers that did register for the Cyprus Open Studios event despite the stiff competition. It was unexpected, to say the least, and we in COS’s  virtual office were delighted! We wish to thank each and everyone who met the challenge head-on and helped us make COS 2017 the success that it turned out to be. It infused our resolve to make future years bigger and better!

In 2017, we have also introduced a further service to artists who are serious about their work: exhibitions abroad!

Work was duly submitted in digital format to the Royal Academy’s summer 2017 show but the competition proved just that little bit too tough. However, the artists then went on to be exhibited through the Salon des Refuses and, by a system of popular vote by the public, Aristi Hadjisavva came 8th out of the selected 12 artists. Well done, Aristi!

Marina Emphietzi Harris (left) with Aristi Hadjisavva at the Salon des Refuses show

In 2018, we will once again take participants to the Royal Academy’s selection – you never know when you might strike it lucky – and after that there is again the Salon des Refuses exhibition. Another exhibition is planned in May at the Hellenic Centre in London. Marina Emphietzi Harris is the person in charge of the

“Open Galleries Abroad” (OGA)

and if you are interested in getting your feet wet abroad, you need to contact her immediately! Judging for admission by the individual institutions is strict… and deadlines are very tight.

Marina can be reached on +357 99 341 726 or by email at

The 2017 Prize Draw proved very popular again and the winner was drawn out of the bag on 15 November 2017. Unfortunately we cannot upload the video but you may see it here.

The lucky winner is Meg Adamson and she will claim her prize when she returns to Cyprus in the new year. Congratulations, Meg! We are sure you will enjoy your lessons in sculpting enormously at Karen Betts’  Artemis Studios.

Here are a few images of this year’s event…

We have also introduced something exciting this year:  an ART BUS which, due to a shortage of funding, we could only utilise for one day. However, we must give a BIG thank you to Cyprus Tourism Organisation for the sponsorship of this bus for 2017. We are working on a greater, in-depth coverage of the art routes for 2018 with several buses and several weekends/days and hope that CTO will support us again. These images were taken at various stops along the way from Kato Paphos to Polis.


Planning the 2018 COS event has already started and it would be great if we could get more feedback from the 2017 participants so that we may improve the experience for members and the public alike – let’s hear your voice!


You may know the ‘other’ sister website which came into being when we were not able to use the ‘open studios’ words in a name. When that hurdle was out of the way, became a bit redundant and it suffered neglect. In the last few weeks we have been forced to take action as we were not going to be blackmailed into paying for something we did not need, e.g. a security upgrade. It was decided to phase out art-en-route and link it to COS where members enjoy far greater exposure.

In addition to that, in 2018 we are offering an alternative membership to those who, for any reason, wish not to open their own studios to the public. Often studios are inside homes, which artists prefer to keep private. If you wish to register for COS 2018 but feel reluctant to open your private dwelling, please contact us and we will inform you of the alternative membership we offer.

And here is another little gem:  we are considering offering “alternative spaces” whereby artists may get even bigger exposure than ever before.  This is in the planning stages and we will keep you updated as plans progress. However, as exciting as that may sound, we must stress that the main objective of Cyprus Open Studios is to introduce the public to the creative process of each artist; they love it! That is why the events – worldwide – are called OPEN STUDIOS.

We are also considering offering venues where artists and artisans will be able to offer workshops and demonstrations – again something very popular with the public. And… we will get you in the loop as soon as the Festive Season is in the past.

And speaking of which… may we take this opportunity to wish you and yours a joyful Festive Season and the best ever year for 2018!


Merry  Christmas!

Finally, for those of you who like to keep a finger on the global pulse, here is some reading matter which we found informative! There are some really good points here:

Thank you,!

Until 2018 – stay safe, happy and healthy!

balloonsThe COS Team.

9 weeks to go!

Yes, 9 weeks before the first Cyprus Open Studios 2017 weekend…

Are you ready?

We would urge you to read your handbook and see what needs to be done and when. You will soon receive the final draft of the catalogue with this year’s schedule to proofread and sign off. You will also soon receive the order form for promotional material such as the number of leaflets and posters, directional signage, etc. Here at the virtual office of COS we are not on holiday…

However, what we would like to share with you is a really interesting collection of famous (and not so famous) artists and their studios, giving you an insight into why the public love to visit YOUR studios – they want more of what you’ve got! Let’s give them satisfaction and let them experience the agony and the ecstasy of what it means to be

An Artist!

Have a look at these; they really are fascinating!

a579dbd4c8f5b37f8a7e0878fe67b60c In honour of  –  please click here

Have fun with your summer holidays but don’t forget that there are only 9 weeks before we have to be on show! Exciting, isn’t it!

We have a few plans up our sleeves for 2018 as all the excitement of Pafos2017 will have passed – we need to carry the momentum into new projects to get more and more exposure, here and abroad, for our beloved artists and artisans who live and work on our Island of Love!


She’s beautiful,  isn’t she! 

From the COS Team – till next time!


P.S.  Apologies, but we do not know who to credit for the image – no intention of copyright violation.


17.O6.2O17, 10:00-14:00
Κέντρο Πόλης Πάφου // Pafos City Centre

Στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος της Κοινωνικής Συμμετοχής, στούντιο, γκαλερί και εργαστήρια χεροτεχνών και καλλιτεχνών στο κέντρο της πόλης υποδέχονται επισκέπτες και συνομιλούν μαζί τους για τον τρόπο και διαδικασία της δημιουργίας των έργων τους. Θα κυκλοφορήσει σχετικός οδηγός.
*Με τη συνεργασία των Cyprus Open Studios.

Within the context of the Community Involvement programme, studios, galleries, and art and crafts workshops in the town centre, welcome visitors and chat with them about the method and process of creating their artworks. Α map will be published with each location.
**With the cooperation of Cyprus Open Studios.                   &  

pafos2017_banner              FINAL LOGO

COS will occupy a vacant shop (08 on the map) where 8 members will be interacting with the public and introduce people to the world-wide open studio concept. Our beloved Cyprus is a small – but perfectly formed! –  island in the Eastern Mediterranean, far, far away from the hustle and bustle of big time art dealing in major centres of the world. For that reason we, at Cyprus Open Studios (COS), are ‘taking the mountain to Mohammed’ by creating a portal for artists to exhibit abroad.

Due to the OPEN WORKSHOPS event, the COS organisers have decided to

keep registration OPEN until 20 June 2017.


Cyprus Open Studios (COS) are proud to have been instrumental in introducing six Cyprus-based artists, first to the selection at the Royal Academy of Arts in London and, traditionally, on to the Salon des Refuses when not selected by the RA. The latter opened on 1 June and will close tomorrow, 4 June 2017 – we wish them all the very best of luck! Next year, we will do it all again. If you are interested, please contact us on

Here are a few shots taken at the opening night at the Salon des Refuses exhibition:

Enormous thanks to Marina Emphietzi-Harris for her hard work in putting it all together. Without you, this would not be possible!

Till next time, keep on creating!

The COS Team.